Waking Nights Live-In Care

First Choice Social Care & Housing Ltd has noticed that waking night care is becoming an increasing issue for PCT’s and LA’s, especially for people with dementia or those who suffer with restless nights. Therefore we provide a Live-in Care service, where most of the care worker’s active hours take place during the night. This is a simple reversal of the traditional Live-in Care model, where the majority of the care is provided during the day.
There are a number of possible benefits of this to you and your clients:
- It can assist where there is an unmet need for a waking night’s service.
- It can provide some capacity for double ups (if necessary) in the early mornings and evenings thus helping at two key times of demand for care agencies and thereby potentially reducing the cost of day time care.
- With one Live-in Care worker providing the service it is reliable, 7 nights per week, with excellent continuity of care.
- It is comparable in price to a waking night’s service provided by a are agency.
All other aspects of Live-in Care remain the same, the main points of these being:
- The price of a package of Live-in Care is based solely on the individual assessment of the client’s needs.
- The Care worker requires a room in the client’s house for sleeping.
- A Live-in Care worker is entitled to the equivalent of 2 hours break/day.
- The maximum number of ‘active’ hours for a carer is 11 – and if used at night, it would mean that only 1 or 2 day-time disturbances can occur.
- Live-in Care is purchased in weekly blocks although it can be provided for shorter periods.
For a full list of our services, and the conditions we care for, please contact us at admin@firstchoiceforyou.com